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Grupa docelowa-+zaznacz wszystkie
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  • studenci29
  • absolwenci15
  • doktoranci7
  • naukowcy6
  • inni21
Rodzaj-+zaznacz wszystkie
  • inne5
  • sportowe19
  • artystyczne18
  • socjalne6
  • naukowe22
Zasięg-+zaznacz wszystkie
  • międzynarodowe6
  • ogólnopolskie15
  • dolnośląskie3
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  • warmińsko-mazurskie2
  • wielkopolskie4
  • zachodniopomorskie4
Organizator-+zaznacz wszystkie
  • szkoła średnia1
  • fundacje i stowarzyszenia13
  • szkoła wyższa5
  • firma4
  • instytucja rządowa3
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Stypendia dla tancerzy – DanceWEB Scholarship Programme 2012


DanceWEB Scholarship Programme 2012

Grupa docelowa:
termin składania wniosków: 15.12.2011

Stypendia dla tancerzy – DanceWEB Scholarship Programme 2012

O udział w programie mogą ubiegać się młodzi profesjonalni tancerze i choreografowie pochodzący głównie z krajów europejskich. Zakwalifikowani do programu będą uczestniczyć w szkoleniu w dniach 11 lipca – 15 sierpnia 2012.

Termin składania aplikacji upływa 15 grudnia 2011r.

Więcej informacji również można znaleźć na stronie www.jardindeurope.eu

Więcej szczegółów:

A participation in the danceWEB Scholarship Programme includes the following free services:

• participation in the research projects of ImPulsTanz (ProSeries & CoachingProjects)
• participation in the technique workshops of ImPulsTanz (190 workshops by 90 teachers)
• free admission to all performances of ImPulsTanz
• free access to the 300 awarded dance film videos as well as to the screenings of documentations and to the dance film productions of artists and companies who perform at ImPulsTanz
• exchange of ideas and contact with the international teachers and choreographers of ImPulsTanz
• special projects exclusively offered to danceWEB scholarship holders
• representation in the yearly growing, international danceWEB-database
• lecture demonstrations & talks
• free accommodation

The participants have to cover their travel and per diem expenses themselves.

Who can apply?

Dancers and choreographers with decidedly professional ambitions from European, Eastern European and non European countries preferably between 22 and 30 years of age and a good knowledge of English. The quality of your dance background is the main criteria for participation in the Programme.

When to apply?

  • Application deadline: December 15, 2011 – noon CET!
  • Selection process: January – February 2012
  • Final decision: by March 2012
  • Programme dates: July 11 – August 15, 2012 (Participation for a shorter term is not possible!)
  • Follow up: written report until October 31, 2012

How to apply?
Step 1: download the application form below (pdf)
Step 2: fill in the application form with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 8 or higher * (?) (English)
Step 3: fill in your personal data in the online form (English)
Step 4: upload the filled in application form
Step 5: upload the 3 letters of recommendation (English)
Allowed file formats are: doc, rtf, pdf or jpg. Max. filesize is 1MB.
Step 6: upload one recent portrait and one recent dance photo
Allowed file formats are: doc, rtf, pdf or jpg. Max. filesize is 1MB.
Step 7: upload your detailed CV (English)
Allowed file formats are: doc, rtf, pdf or jpg. Max. filesize is 1MB.
Step 8: submit your application
Step 9: you will receive a confirmation email if your application was successfully submitted

* The application form does only work with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 8 or higher. You can download it for free >>here. (>>http://www.adobe.com/products/reader/?promoid=DJDXD).

– Only one application per applicant can be considered
– Please make sure to send your application upon completion
– All fields with (*) are mandatory
– Email applications are not accepted
Please keep the size of the documents low, otherwise we might have problems receiving them.

The receipt of your application will be confirmed via e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail a few days after the deadline, please contact our office to verify that your application has been received.

Incomplete or late applications as well as applications via e-mail, post or fax will not be considered!

Each scholarship within the frame of Jardin d'Europe is cofinanced by the European Union (Culture 2007-2013 programme), by Austrian funding bodies and by local funding from the home country of the nominee. This last part is not yet secured in all countries. Therefore the selected candidates (in cooperation with the danceWEB office) have to look for possible funding institutions in their home countries. It is a good idea to check the former danceWEBers from your home country and where they received funding from.

The funding search only starts AFTER the selection process is finished. For the application, it's sufficient to mention funding institutions you know of that might be able to support you in case you get selected!

If you have further questions, please contact:

Hanna Bauer
+43 1 523 55 58 40 (direct line)
+43 1 523 55 58 88 (fax)

Informacje pochodzą ze strony www.jardindeurope.eu


DanceWEB Scholarship Programme 2012
